
In-depth concrete protection and waterproofing

Penetron products, including our self-healing betonconcrete solutions, are sold worldwide through qualified distributors and have been proven effective on countless major projects. Our innovative technology from the United States provides reliable concrete protection and waterproofing. With more than 40 years and 3 generations of experience we have a wide range of concrete solutions for the waterproofing challenges of existing and new structures.

Crystallization technology improves the longevity, strength, and durability of concrete. Penetron is a crystalline waterproofing agent that penetrates deep into the concrete. It forms a chemical reaction that is microscopic small crystals produces and fills the pores, capillaries and cracks in the concrete. This process ensures a permanent watertight and protected concrete structure from within.

Penetron goes far beyond recovery. We offer a sustainable solution that significantly extends the lifespan of concrete structures and buildings, and you also significantly reduce the carbon footprint of your concrete structure with Penetron.

Our products


Penetron's crystalline admixtures offer a breakthrough solution for permanent concrete waterproofing. By forming crystals in the capillary pores, this advanced technology creates a self-healing concrete that closes microcracks while protecting against water and harmful substances. This innovative approach guarantees sustainable performance and maximum protection, even under the harshest conditions.

DISCOVER products
Waterproofing Penetron

Waterproofing and concrete protection

Penetron offers innovative surface treatments that effectively protect concrete against water penetration and wear. These advanced products form an insoluble crystal structure in the concrete, preventing cracks and leaks, even under high pressure. With Penetron, concrete remains durable and in optimal condition, even under the harshest conditions.

DISCOVER products
Liquid Waterstops penetron

Concrete injections

Penetron's injection systems offer an effective solution for repairing and waterproofing existing concrete structures. Using crystalline technology, these injections penetrate deep into cracks and joints, providing sustainable protection against future water infiltration. With this innovative approach, concrete remains strong and resistant to moisture, even in the most demanding conditions.

DISCOVER products
Liquid Sealers penetron

Repair and repair

Penetron's repair products provide powerful structural solutions for damaged concrete, ranging from repairing cracks and joints to complete renovations. These advanced materials strengthen and protect the concrete, with the aim of ensuring maximum durability and long-term performance. Whether it's minor repairs or large-scale renovations, Penetron provides reliable and lasting solutions for every concrete challenge.

DISCOVER products
Over de werf van Veemnatie

Floor hardeners and protection

Penetron offers high-quality solutions for strengthening, protecting and beautifying concrete floors. These innovative products provide a hard, durable finish while providing excellent protection against moisture and wear. With Penetron, your concrete floor stays in top condition longer, while maintaining aesthetics and durability, even under heavy use.

DISCOVER products
Platwalsen van Penetron Admix

Joint seals and water stops

To seal joints and penetrations in concrete, Penetron provides expansive water stops that expand when in contact with water. This innovative technology creates a durable and reliable water barrier, even under high hydrostatic pressure. Penetron's water stops offer an effective solution to prevent leaks and ensure long-term protection.

DISCOVER products
Betonherstellende technologie

Special applications

Penetron offers innovative solutions for specific concrete problems, such as microbial corrosion and chemical attack. These products protect concrete in harsh environments, such as industrial plants and water treatment plants, and provide long-term resistance to harmful influences.

DISCOVER products
Hurkenden mannen voor de werf van Veemnatie

A selection of our references

With more than 40 years of experience let us proudly speak our references for us.

Gemeentelijke afvalwaterzuiveringsinstallatie Gavardo

Shaka's Hoofd Reservoir


SABESP Afvalwaterzuiveringsinstallatie Taubate

Afvalwaterzuiveringsinstallatie Ivanovo

Jarivatuba afvalwaterzuiveringsinstallatie

Gemeentelijke afvalwaterzuiveringsinstallatie

Melrose Minnesota Afvalwaterzuiveringsinstallatie

Mornos Kanaal

Morro do Formigão Tunnel

Marcello Alencar Tunnel

WestConnex Snelwegtunnels

Singapore Changi Airport / Terminal 3

Solog Logistics Center

Metro Line 4 South

Sydney Metro Central Walk

Heydar Aliyev Center

Babylonstoren Wine Cellar

Aquarium Mar de Cortés

Universal Beijing Resort

Barcelona Zeeaquarium Port Vell

Sports Hub

Olympisch Park Mediacentrum

Luzhniki Stadium

Little Giants voetbalstadion bij Wabash College

Mangueirão Stadium

Het Henan Kunstcentrum

Havenstad Melaka

Leichardt Green Community

Luxury Wing, Fashion Square Winkelcentrum

Oran Park Podium

Infinity Office Towers

Aurora Condominiums

Sandton Gate District

Golden Square City

Teatro Luxe Appartementen

Encore 1788 Double Bay Woongebouw

Mazniashvilli Street Complex

Datacentrum en archieven van de Nationale Handelsbank (NCB)

Axle Building / Commonwealth Bank

Constitution Place Development

Multifunctioneel gebouw North Cherry Creek

The Edge

Jachthaven van Ventimiglia

Scheepswerf General Dynamics NASSCO

Pacific Seas Aquarium in de Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium

Capri Woningen

Erfgoedwerf / Koninklijke Marinewerf

Metallurgische fabriek Tashkent

Uitbreiding ertsverwerkingsfabriek

LD Papierfabriek voor Celulose

Shinhwa Auto

Ferrari E-Building

Riviera Maya Nickelodeon Resort

Secret´s Aura Cozumel

Rivierfront in Promenade Park

Parque do Pontal Tower

Hiatus Clearwater Beach

Neurowetenschappelijk Onderzoekscentrum

Zweeds Medisch Centrum

Regionaal ziekenhuis Ñuble

Gerechtsgebouw Benghazi

Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken


RKA Missie Controle Centrum

Presidentiële residentie van Oezbekistan

Hoofdkantoor Fox Sports Australië

Ansys Hall aan de Carnegie Mellon Universiteit - Engineering College

Gymnastiekpaleis Moskou

New Roberto de Silva Municipal Theater

Wavegarden Lagoon

Boguchany Dam

Burrows Road Tunnel

Longtan waterkrachtcentrale

Budker Instituut voor Kernfysica

Biogascentrale Raízen

NuStar Energy brandstofopslagdepot

Windpark Oekraïne

Brookings Biogas RNG-installatie

Guita & José Mindlin Bibliotheek

Charles Perkins Centrum / Universiteit van Sydney

Basisschool voor innovatie, technologie en kunst (VITA)

Herdenkingszwembad St Joseph's College

Islamitisch Instituut Waterval

Kelp Tank/California Wetenschapscentrum

Renovation of cooling tower near Aperam, Genk

Expansion of installations

Biotanks for waste

Concrete bunkers in Veemnatie

Füssen Tunnel

Sofia Metro

Yacht hotel

Find out how Penetron can strengthen your next construction project!

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