Yacht hotel
The Yacht Hotel in Vlorë has a distinctive modernist style with alternating horizontal strips of concrete and glass — and a rooftop pool overlooking the Adriatic Sea just 50 metres away. The $2.2 million project includes 21 rooms, a restaurant, private parking, a bar and a private beach.

Products used
Penetron Hellas specified the full range of the Penetron system for the hotel basement structures and the rooftop pool. Beton Vlora, the ready-to-use concrete supplier for the Yacht Hotel project, used Penetron Admix for the foundation plate and walls of the hotel's basement structures and for the rooftop pool. Penebar SW-45 waterstop was used to seal the structural joints. Local applications of Penetron and Penecrete Mortar were performed on all repairs to the exposed concrete surface.